1.Individual Skills
a. 5 paragraph OPORD: SMESC
b. Troop leading procedure
c. 5 point contingency plan (GOTWA)
d. METT - TC
f. 9 line medevac
2. Small Unit Tactics
a. Immediate action
move under direct fire
react to indirect fire
react to contact
break contact
react to ambush, near/far
react to flares
b. Movement
traveling overwatch
bounding overwatch
open area bypass/contour
clearing ORP
3.Perform reconnaissance
4.Selection and construction of individual fighting position
5.Set up patrol base camp
6.Basic land navigation
orient/determine location on map by terrain association
measure distance
determine direction with/without compass
shoot an azimuth and calculate the back azimuth
identify topographic features/symbols on map
1. Small Unit Tactics
a. Close Quarters Battle (CQB)
room clearing with a team
building clearing with a squad
dynamic entry
2. Clearing a vehicle
3. Operating a vehicle checkpoint/roadblock
4. Movement
a. basic convoy principles
b. mounted operations
5. Patrol base operations
6. Long range reconnaissance and patrol (LRRP)
a. extended operations with limited food
b. operation in extreme weather conditions
c. escape and evasion