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1. Command and Organization

Mobilization/Alert Readiness

a. Learning the Alert System and implementing it

b. Evacuation routes/rally points

c. Emergency mobilization

d. Task Organization (4-18 man element)

2. Movement Techniques/Small Unit Tactics

a. Low/high crawl

b. File, wedge, staggered column, echelon left/right

c. Rushes over open ground

d. Deliberate Danger Area Crossing

3. Communications

a. Hand and arm signals

b. Basic radio operating


4. Individual Camouflage

5. Basic First Aid/CPR - Red Cross Certification

a. Evaluate a casualty

b. Prevent/treat for shock

c. Clearing obstruction from throat

d. Treat/prevent heat exhaustion and frostbite/hypothermia

e. Treat burns

f. Put on field dressings

g. Apply dressing to an open chest, head, or abdominal wound

h. Splint a fracture

i. Perform CPR

j. Transport a casualty

k. Basic sanitation, preventive medicine, and health maintenance

6. Noise, Litter, Light Discipline

7. Basic Emergency Preparedness

a. Water storage

b. Hygiene/sanitation

c. Food storage

d. Medical supplies

8. Basic Survival Skills

a. Identify wild foods in A/O

b. Identify poisonous plants/snakes in A/O

c. Locate and purify drinking water

d. Build a fire

e. Snare/trap wild game

f. locate and construct a field expedient shelter